File 12 Jenny

The Legend: Jenny first appeared in Darkness #1.
Jenny, a bartender at Jackie Estacado's favourite club, Keysers, grew up with Jackie in an orphanage. Jackie was Jenny's protector, shielding her from harm and the abusive monks who would beat the children in their care.
Even though Don Franchetti took Jackie from the orphanage, Jackie would visit Jenny on a regular basis. Over time, Jenny grew to love Jackie deeply. Jackie also held deep feelings for Jenny, but thought of her more as a younger sister than a potential lover. Sonatine was able to use this devotion against Jackie however, kidnaping Jenny in order to manipulate Jackie into doing his will.
On her rescue, Jenny left New York City, afraid of Jackie and his potential for atrocity now that he bears The Darkness. Without Jenny as his anchor in life, Jackie may well drift into more and more violence.