File 42 Mr. Mxyzptlk

The Birth: After the revamping of the Superman series, it was necessary to reintroduce the supporting cast including the villains. Thus, Mr.Mxyzptlk was reborn between the covers of Superman #11 in November 1987.

The Legend: When he first appeared, he knocked the sox off Lois Lane, posing as handsome Ben Deroy. Of course, this was only a ruse to lure Superman into the open. Mr.Mxyzptlk is a prankster, a playful mischievious imp from the fifth dimension. His real mane would never translate into any of the earth languages so he just made up his alias by randomly typing the letters from a typewriter. There is supposedly no limit to his magical powers.
He came to earth seeking a challenge from whoever he thought would give him a good fight and ended up matching wits with both Superman and Lex Luthor . He agreed to return to his dimension for a period of at least 90 days if the player he chose would be able to beat him at his challenge playing by his rules. Whenever Mr.Mxyzptlk was beaten he kept his word and all the effects of his magic wore off.

Oh, Mxy's not been all that bad. When Lois had called off her engagement with Clark Kent, Mxy returned and started granting evryone their wishes. And he tried hard to convince Lois and Clark to get back together. Infact, that's the first time, Lois actually came to know that the imp is also one of the few who know Clark's secret identity. Ultimately, he didn't succeed in his role as cupid and was wished away by Superman.

First Appearance of Mxyzptlk
Superman #11