File 50 Rhino

The Birth: The Rhino appeared for the first time in Amazing Spider-Man #41. He used to work for small time criminals before he went rampaging as the Rhino. Through chemical and radiation experiments the scientists created Rhino to become one of the best superpowered assasins.

The Legend: Not much is known about the early years of the man now called Rhino except that he was cheap hired muscle. Till today, his real name remains shrouded in mystery.
He was created with the intention of becoming one of the best superpowered assasins; but the crooks didn't take into account the inferior mental development of the hood. As a result, the Rhino has never been able to do more than charge and use his brute force. He did come close to killing Spider-Man when he was part of the Sinister Syndicate. Only the timely intervention of the Sandman saved the wall crawler.
Rhino's suit consists of a thick, impervious grey hide which is permanently bonded to his body. Though this "exoskeleton" is virtually indestructable, it has been prone to chemical attack in the past. Also, Rhino is susectible the various knockout gasses. He has limited manouverability due to his great bulk and owing to his costume, a limited peripheral vision. his only advantage is his deadly charge attack and his great brute strength. He also has a tough and sharp rhinocerous horn, complementing his name.
Rhino has been affiliated with the Kingpin and the Sinister Syndicate in the past but he mainly works alone.

First Appearance of The Rhino
Amazing Spider-Man #41