File 59 Superboy

The Birth: After Superman's death, Cadmus stole his body from his grave and apparently tried to clone him. But with insufficient data available on the Man of Steel, Experiment 13 is the closest human equivalent to a Kryptonian that Cadmus geneticists were capable of creating. This Experiment 13 was Superboy! Unknown to the Newsboy Legion and The Guardian, Paul Westfield; Project Administrator of Cadmus, initiated Experiment 13 to clone Superman with the little knowledge they got from Superman's corpse. They were to implant safeguards so as to control the clone in case something went wrong. But before the safeguards were in place the Newsboys clones busted him out. Superboy's entry into the world was first recorded in Adventures of Superman #501 (June, 1993) after a cameo in Adventures of Superman #500 (June, 1993)

The Alter Ego: Unlike Superman himself, Superboy does not have any other identity.

The Legend: The Newsboys clones busted Superboy out of Cadmus before the geneticists had implanted safeguards and before he had even completed maturity. It is theorized that Superboy is like a solar battery, like Superman, and may have other abilities that he was intended to grow into, but since being "birthed" prematurely and then genetically held at age sixteen, he may never manifest these abilities.
When Superboy appeared on the scene, he'd really flare up if anyone called him Superboy. He wanted to be called only Superman and had trademarked the insignia and the name with the help of his personal business manager; Rex Leech. But the matter was sorted out after Superman came back from beyond.
Superboy is also involved in a triangle affair with Rex Leech' daughter' Roxy and GBS news reporter Tana Moon.
Superboy may be a clone of Superman but his powers differ to some extent. He employs tactile-telekinesis, flight and invulnerability. But, the kid has yet to learn to use the powers to the best of his abilities. When he first started fighting the bad guys, he was still not able to control all his TK powers and sorta acted on impulse. But like any Kryptonian, he is susceptible to Kryptonite radiation.

First Appearance of Superboy
The Inside Cover
The Adventures Of Superman #501 Inside Cover