File 07 Dart
Real Name : Jill August
Occupation : Bounty hunter, former policewoman.
Legal status: US citizen with no criminal record.
Former aliases : None.
Identity : Publicly known.
Height : 5' 10"
Weight : 145 lbs.
Eyes : Blue
Hair : Blonde
Other Distinguishing Features : Dart has no legs.
Date of Birth : August 12, 1969
Place of Birth : Detroit, Michigan
Marital Status : Single
Known relatives : None
Group affiliation : Special Operations Strikeforce, former member of Freak Force and the Chicago Police Department.
Base of operations : Chicago, Illinois.
Powers : Dart has the powers and abilities of an adult female in top physical shape. She's trained in a number of forms of martial arts and possesses an uncanny aiming ability that she utilizes with deadly accuracy.
Weapons : Dart carries a large number of specialized darts that explode, catch fire, release smoke, tear gas and lauging gas or simply impail.
First appearance : The Savage Dragon #2 (ongoing series)
Origin : When Jill August and her friend, Terri Holmes were assaulted in a Detroit bar, Jill was pushed backward into a dart board. As their assailants pressed their advantage, Jill instinctively hurled darts and impailed the attackers with pin-point accuracey, blinding one man and castrating another. She took up the guise as Dart upon discovering her deadly ability. She got training where she could and found that her athletic background made her a natural for learning martial arts.
Dart fought crime briefly in the Detroit area until she was hired away by the Chicago PD to join what was unofficially called, their "Freak Force" program. It was there where she met Dragon, Rapture, Horridus and Ricochet who was, at the time, too young to join the department.
Later still, all member of the team, except Dragon, left the CPD because of the various restrictions and formed the group of super-powered bounty hunters called Freak Force.
Recently, Dart became a member of Special Operations Strikeforce, a government- based squadron of superhuman adventurers. On a S.O.S. mission, both of Dart's legs were burned off. Her current state of being is as yet unrevealed.