File 35 ManBat

The BirthKirk Langstrom used to study animals, he was a scientist. One night at Gotham Museum Of Natural History, his study of nocturnal mammals produced an experimental bat gland extract which he tried on himself. He wanted to gain a bat's sonar but achieved far more - he changed into a sort of monster: half man and half bat ! This was the Man Bat.

The Alter Ego: Kirk Langstrom was a rich and prominent scientist working at the Gotham Museum Of Natural History. After his transfomation into Man Bat was healed by Batman (See Batman), he married Francine and moved to Chicago where he continued his studies. Soon afterwards the couple gave birth to Rebecca. Langstrom was a noble gentleman by heart and always wanted to help the law.

The Legend: After Man Bat's first transformation, he went almost insane, losing touch with humanity. Batman developed an antidote for him, changing him back to his former self. After marriage, learned how to control the transformation and so he fulfilled a dream, modelling himself after the Batman, as a crimefighter. Troubles began when Rebecca fell deathly ill and Batman destroyed the only cure for her. The seronotal that Rebecca needed had been poisoned, prompting Batman to destroy it. But Kirk would not listen to reason and his hatred for Batman grew. The problem worsened when after taking the wrong combination of bat gland formula, the change went out of control. The Batman did eventually find Kirk's cure and helped him yet again.