File 24 Vanguard
Real Name : Unknown.
Occupation : Professional Soldier.
Legal status : Illegal alien.
Former aliases : None.
Height : 6'6" (7'4" at top of antennae).
Weight : 391 lbs.
Eyes : Blue.
Hair : Blue.
Other distinguishing features : White skin, four fingers, three toes, ribbed ears, and twin antennae on his forehead.
Date of Birth : Inapplicable to Earth standards.
Place of Birth : The planet Kalyptus
Marital Status : Single, going steady with TV reporter Roxanne Wells.
Known Relatives :Kazi (younger sister); Luma (sister-in-law); mother (name unknown); father and brother both deceased.
Group affiliation : Former member of Brigade, helped Freak Force upon occasion.
Base of operations : His spacecraft, a deep space interstellar reconnaissance vehicle. Frequent visitor to Chicago, Illinois, home of his girlfriend.
Powers : Vanguard's uniform is a combat suit designed to support life in space and in alien environments. It also contains an exoskeleton that enhances the wearer's normal strength by ten times, and boot jets that enable him to fly vast distances. The suit is extremely impervious to heat, pressure and energy blasts, generating a force shield that covers even Vanguard's unprotected face. Even without the suit, Vanguard's alien musculature is denser that that of humans, giving him strength and endurance beoyond those of normal earthlings, capable of lifting (pressing) four tons and leaping in a distance of about 60 yards. Vanguard trains daily in weapons use and hand to hand combat on his ship and is improving. Weapons: Van's space ship is a fully armed battle cruiser manned by "Morphlings," laboratory born and bred servants that can alter their appearance to duplicate anyone or anything else. Morphs don't eat, drink or sleep, and are supposed to be incapable of independant thought. Morphs are controlled by Vanguard's friend and lone companion Wally, a robot drone that is linked with the ship's computers, who runs the ship, oversees Van's training and watches a lot of Earth T.V.
Special Equipment : Vanguard's helmet contains a universal translator. The tripod device strapped to his right leg is a teleportation device and may have other functions.
First appearance : Savage Dragon #2.
Origin : Vanguard comes from the planet Kalyptus, where everyone is in the military. Kalyptans are the architects of the Grand Alliance, a coalition of planets dedicated to ensure that no other worlds fall under the control of their enemies, the imperialistic Tyrrus Combine. A state of war, both hot and cold, exists in what they consider the known universe as each side jockeys for control of neutral planets, especially those with exploitable natural resources. The War-Wardens of the Alliance recently became aware of an inhabitable planet in a solar system on the edge of the known universe. They decided to dispatch a Vanguard recon ship to both scout this new planet and to stand as a first line of defense against its discovery by the Tyrrus Combine. The unlucky soldier assigned to this barren outpost in the middle of nowhere was Vanguard, a young untested warrior who had requested combat duty in the hot zone to avenge the death of his only brother. The unlucky barren outpost: Earth.