File 29 Hi-Tech

The Birth: Hi-Tech first challenged Superman (See Superman) in Superman in Action Comics #682 (October, 1992). The girl craved to beat Superman as a personal challenge. She got her wish when Professor Killgrave gave her the means. As her name suggests, she was equipped with high-end technology in the form of defensive and offensive equipment. Her exoskeleton was remarkably incredible.

The Legend: Teaming up with Professor Thaddeus Killgrave Hi-Tech began an all-out attack on Superman after challenging him to a fight. However, while Hi-Tech thought that Killgrave only wanted Superman humiliated, the fact was that the good professor wanted Big Blue D-E-A-D. And that was not all! Hi-Tech realized that after she wore Supes down, Killgrave was going to let her be blown sky-high along with Superman. Of course, Superman and Hi-Tech were forced to work together to outwit Killgrave. Hi-Tech was always able to keep one step ahead of Supes, one of the reasons why she was never captured by Superman.
While her first encounter with the Man Of Steel seemed more of a contest, her second attack on Superman was more serious. She was encouraged by BloodThirst (See BloodThirst) to tackle Superman again and was assured of victory. He implanted a transporter in her body besides making her one with the machine. When before she was totally human, now she was part machine : she had plugged in! When before she merely wanted challenge, now she wanted murder: she had absorbed a heat seeker meant specially for Jimmy Olsen and in the process also absorbed it's programming. With her in-built transporter, she could now "summon" some of the most advanced weapon systems for her use.
This time, due to the heat seeker, she wanted Jimmy dead. But her primary duty to Bloodthirst came first. He had sent her to wreak havoc in Metropolis along with Bloodsport, a racist killer. (See Bloodsport).
When Bloodsport's bomb exploded, everyone thought that it was the end of the two villains. But the explosion simply destroyed Hi-Tech's flesh - her machine-half of the body survived and so did her programming. Her humanity was consumed by machinery. This time while Superman was occupied with Bloodthirst, Jimmy Olsen and Ron Troupe used an electric cable to short out Hi-Tech, destroy her completely.
First Appearance of Hi-Tech First Appearance of the New Hi-Tech

Action Comics #682

Action Comics #694